lunes, 28 de abril de 2008


Muiscas and Taironas were the cultures representative most in the scientific development and the Colombian population's technician. Your advances in the goldwork, the agriculture and the sculpture are some of the most important inheritances that they left us. However, The muiscas and the taironas are not in your entirety equals, the muiscas was big thinkers and reflexive, on the other hand, the taironas was centered in the invigoration of the agriculture techniques and you fish.

The muiscas worked the gold in a productive way, they designed arrangements for your dresses as necklaces, rings, narigueras and big earrings, also, work the mud making big recipients and big fields of corn and potato had. On the other hand, The taironas also worked the gold, they made it in a special way, they loved to design, recipients and ornamental attractive elements, they loved to fish and to harvest potato, corn and bean.

However, the muiscas and the taironas were different, the muiscas was more reflexive and lovers of the astrology, were the first in thinking of the stations and in the constellations, associating your meaning to each one of your gods. However, the taironas developed technical more advanced of agriculture, they harvested but agricultural products and they introduced the exchange like trade form and exchange with other cultures.

In conclusion, the muiscas and the taironas contributed many of the knowledge in arts like the goldwork, the agriculture techniques and the science of the astrology. Your development facilitates people the knowledge of our ancestors and I force them to value the cultures that from times behind were interested for the cultural development of the country.

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